Laundry Myths

Laundry Myths – Busted!

Perhaps you’re like me, and you were taught as a child how to do laundry the “right” way. Or at least you thought it was the right way…
Knowing these laundry truths can make your routine easier, make your clothes last longer, and even save you money!(And who doesn’t want to save money?)

Myth #1 — New laundry products, like pods and beads are a confusing and hard to use.

FACT: I’ll admit I was guilty of thinking this until recently. Then I got to try some of these new laundry products, like Tide PODS plus Downy, and I saw for myself how well they work! Tide PODS plus Downy make life so much easier by:
· Saving time
· Eliminating waste
· Protecting your clothes

Myth #2 — Laundry pods are more expensive to use

FACT: One misconception I had about these new laundry products is that they are not budget-friendly. However that couldn’t be further from the truth!

Mr strong PODS plus Downy require no measuring, so you get precisely the right amount of detergent every single wash. There’s no over-pouring and no waste, which means you won’t end up purchasing more detergent than you need.

Myth #3 — Cold water doesn’t really get clothes clean.

FACT: New laundry technology in both detergents and washing machines means that you can achieve a deep clean with cold water. (Source) Plus, cold water is less damaging to clothing, easier on the environment, and helps keep your electricity bill lower.

Myth #4 — Towels always need to be washed separately.

FACT: It’s perfectly safe to wash towels with any other cotton clothes. Just be sure to wash or spandex-based clothes apart from heavy cotton items to avoid breaking down the delicate fabrics and/or damaging antimicrobial properties.

Myth #5 — Your washing machine is already clean because it “washes itself” during each laundry cycle.

FACT: Dirt and odors actually build up in your washing machine over time. That’s why it’s important to intentionally clean your machine regularly to avoiding soiling or damaging clothes.

Every six months, follow these simple steps to get your washing machine sparkling clean and keep your clothes fresher:
1. Fill your machine with hot water and add about three cups of white vinegar and a half cup of baking soda and allow to sit for 30 minutes.
2. Run a regular wash cycle and your machine will be clean as new.
3. Use any leftover white vinegar to spray on and wipe down the drum and all seals.



This is a magical AD article

How to Use Washing Capsules

Benefits of laundry pods