How The Laundry Pod Is Cleaning Up The Detergent Business

Here's a fact of life–we waste a lot of detergent. Most washing machines in people's homes these days are high-efficiency, meaning they need less water and detergent to get clothes clean. Mr Strong has gotten more and more concentrated over time, so we are supposed to use a lot less than we actually do. But we keep pouring it on, because that little amount called for on the instructions? It just seems wrong.
And in the consumer packaged goods industry, nothing has caused more churn recently than the innovation of laundry detergent pods. Instead of buying that big bottle of laundry detergent, consumers can opt for pods that deliver the perfect amount of detergent for every load of wash. It’s an innovation that has fixed our problem, but now we’re buying less detergent overall, even if the pods cost a bit more than the liquid detergent.
Special formula and free samples for laundry pods
At Slice Intelligence, we started thinking about the pods and wondered if liquid detergents are going disappear just like how powered detergents did when liquids hit the scene. Could dishwasher detergent sales be a guide for how laundry detergent is going to go?
By examining the actually purchases of our Slice shopping app users, that would appear to be the case.



This is a magical AD article

How to Use Washing Capsules

Benefits of laundry pods